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5 common mistakes businesses make with their website

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These days it isn't enough just to have a website presence. People have high expectations, and how you come across online is now more important than ever. Competition is fierce and those first impressions count for a lot. People on average will spend less than one minute on a site if they can't get what they need so it's vital that your site is working for you and not against you.

Businesses make it about themselves rather than for their clients and customers.

Is what you are saying on your site speaking to the people you want to attract to your website? Is it full of jargon they might not understand?  Is it jam packed with so many words and long paragraphs that people either can't or won't read it. It's ok to champion your business, your achievements and your services but make sure it is relevant and answers questions that people coming to your website might have.

The website looks dated and old fashioned.

Your website might have been all bells and whistles when you had it created 10 years ago but the web moves at great speeds and what once was a flash website is now looking dated and clunky compared to others. In that time as well you might have heard the word responsive batted around a lot. That's when the website responds to the screen size of your monitor, laptop, tablet or mobile. If your site isn't responsive that's a bad website experience for your user and you'll probably lose them pretty quickly.

Old Imagery

Crisp, up to date imagery speaks directly to how your business is perceived.  Are the images on your site taken recently or are they the same ones you first launched the site with? Are they dull in colour and pixelated? If you have a visual brand consider how that comes across to those first coming to your website? How do they compare to your competitors? Camera quality is so much better these days and it's worth having a look at updating those images to help bring some life to your website. It can make a big different on those first impressions.

Can you be found on Google

Customers rely on Google these days as a way of finding what they need. Google will crawl the web and determine what sites and pages best determine what the user is searching. Getting on that first page and indeed at the top of Google results have a huge impact on the amount of traffic coming to your website. So how do you get there? There are lots of ways but a few simple things you can do are :

Set up Meta titles and Meta descriptions - these are the details that appear for each website when you are presented with Google results. Determine what your key words and search terms are that users will search for when looking for your business and try to incorporate those into these descriptions while clearly explaining what the user might find on this specific page.

Have your location emphasised on your website - Service and Location might be a key search by users and if you can match those two terms then you are in with a chance.

Of course there is a lot more to it that can be done and we can help you increase your profile. But in the meantime  it's small start to getting your website and business found on Google.

Your website provides a bad user experience

Google will also reward sites which create a good and simple user experience.

So is your site easy to navigate and can the user find the information they are looking for quickly and easily. For example, is there an easy way to find out how to contact you? Or where you are located? Make important and useful information easy to find.

Is your website accessible to all? Is there enough contrast with colours so people with bad eye sight can make out buttons or words? Is your site accessible for those with disabilities or handicaps?

All important things to consider and often overlooked.

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These 5 topics all intertwine and crossover, by improving one it may improve another.

There is of course plenty to consider and think about and we can help you with that at Tuskany. We are happy to give your site a free audit and provide suggestions and solutions to improve your website and online presence. Click here